Annually I choose a word for the year. In late December, I began to ponder which word might help me focus on a main idea for 2025. Although a word usually “finds” me, I was struggling to claim one for 2025. Normally, I see a word in a variety of places or I sense the Lord nudging me in a certain direction. But so far, it had been crickets. Nothing. Nada.
I had made a list of “good” words, but nothing seemed right. I was looking for something that reflected my feelings about the coming year. I have been sensing God calling me to a certain lifestyle where my hands are loosely open so I can more readily participate in the spontaneous rather than the planned. Truthfully, this makes me uncomfortable. The idea of not having a concrete plan in the coming months is disconcerting.
Then on January 1st, I received a monthly newsletter from my cousin Cindy who happens to be a prolific author. Like me, she chooses a word each year. As she shared her thoughts, I knew her word was also for me. Finally as in years past, my word found me, this time via my sweet cousin.
This quote confirmed it: “I’m sure many would agree that American culture places a high value on accomplishment. Many would also agree that constant “doing” comes at a price, most often, relational erosion. We can lose an awareness of God, of others, and even of ourselves.” Pastor Stephen Van Dop
Therefore, my word for 2025 is PAUSE (often translated in the Bible as Selah). Selah is best described as the opportunity to pause, contemplate, and praise.
My prayer and desire this year is to use PAUSE as an invitation to become more aware of the presence of God so that giving Him praise becomes be my highest calling. And as I practice pausing, I pray it will also help me notice opportunities to nurture relationships with others.
I suspect a lot of days this year might look like a big bunch of nothing.
But regardless, I plan to praise God for the pause.
Friend, what is your word for the year? I would love to hear about the 2025 journey you are about to embark on.
“All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name.” Selah Psalm 66:4
P.S. Click here for my cousin Cindy’s website.
What a blessing to share a word this year. I’m looking forward to finding out what it means for you and what it means for me. Let the calm journey begin!
Thank you very much, Susan! Passing this note along to friend’s I know will be blessed by Pausing. Another way to think of it….from a women’s retreat 25+ years ago…. Stop, Rest & Bless♥️ Live & Prayers, Ruth
My word is perseverance.Based on Isaiah 6:8-11
Love it!