This life can be awesome, but this life can also be packed with challenges and downright difficult seasons. I love to encourage and cheer women on as they walk through whatever season life may find them.
My Style
My talks are designed specifically for women and focus on faith in everyday living. My interactive style uses Biblical examples along with personal experiences. I believe learning about Jesus and the wild and wonderful life He desires for us should be exhilarating, meaningful, transformative and fun.
My Experience
With over 25 years of Women's Ministry experience, I am passionate about supporting women in the local church. While I love sharing my message with large groups at retreats and conferences, I also enjoy the intimacy and high impact that results from speaking to smaller groups, Bible studies and book clubs.
Through my experience of working on ministry teams, I understand the importance of getting your message right. After we discuss the goals of your event, I am happy to adapt my presentation to meet the needs of your group.
"Sometimes one's faith journey can be slowed some -- maybe even a little neglected. As our women's small group in Decatur, Illinois studied through A Wild & Wonderful Life, we each found our spiritual battery being recharged chapter by chapter. Susan's lovely visit with the group enhanced even more the message that Jesus is with us every step of our journey -- that even when life is wild, it is also wonderful.”
— Cindy Stuart, Bible Study Leader
Here are a few suggested topics:
Living A Wild & Wonderful Life: The Power of Yes
2 Corinthians 1:20-21
Saying yes is sometimes risky. It can involve the unknown. But saying yes can also be the greatest experience of your life. “Yes” is a powerful word because it draws you into activity.
Learn more about unleashing the power of saying yes to God in your life.
Do You Like Peas?: Friendship
John 15:15
Just like a relationship with a girlfriend, Jesus is your friend. It begins with a simple question and blooms over time. The value of earthly friendships with family members, acquaintances and others ⏤ while also growing in your relationship with Jesus ⏤ is what makes life flourish.
Bad Photos in a Graduation Scrapbook: Transformation
2 Corinthians 3:18
Jesus knows the answer to the question, “Who am I?” and wants to help each of us become the best version of ourselves. Jesus reminds us what is important and gives our lives direction.
The Journey of a Lifetime: Wholehearted Living
Ephesians 6:7 & the story of Caleb
Your life is not a short story. Wholehearted living is the accumulation of life experiences masterfully woven together by God. God’s faithfulness and trusting in His promises are key to this journey we call life.
When Life Is Not So Fun: Hope
Romans 5:3-5
Do you wonder if God is there when struggles or difficult things happen? Troubles will indeed come, but Jesus says that He has overcome the world. Hope is the great reminder that even in the middle of difficult circumstances, God’s love never fails.
Handwritten Letters: Life
Hebrew 4:12
The Bible is like God’s handwritten letter. In it, He tells us He loves us and promises to be our Heavenly Father who never gives up on us. Yet, we struggle to read these wonderful truths and apply them to our lives. God’s words are life. They are powerful, instructional, and alive. They equip us to do life like Jesus.
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Please fill out the form below. You may also download my pdf to share with your church as needed.