By the world’s standards, she was flourishing. Business was good, allowing her a home of her own. She was known by everyone in town. Yet, life was not as rosy as it appeared because along with all these worldly accolades came a title she would rather not possess: prostitute.
Her name was Rahab. Of the eight times she is mentioned in the Bible, she is specifically called “Rahab the prostitute” five of those times.
I imagine she wished things were different. Perhaps she dreamed about another life. Perhaps sometimes she even pictured herself as a wife and a mother. But to make a change required a complete turnaround in her life and circumstances which seemed impossible. So when there was a knock at her door, she couldn’t help but wonder if this could be her chance at a new beginning.
The Israelites were about to enter and take possession of Canaan, the land God had promised them over 700 years earlier. Their leader, Joshua, sent two spies to scout the area, especially the city of Jericho where Rahab lived.
She knew there were spies on the other side of the door. Should she answer it? What did she have to lose? What did she have to gain?
Everything Rahab had worked for now hung in the balance. But she was worn out from living a life of shame, disgrace and disappointment. She was ready to take the first step in changing her story. She hoped this one small action of opening her door just might be the answer to realizing her dreams for a different future.
So with a deep breath and great resolve…
She opened the door.
There are times when a simple act, like opening a door, can have a huge impact. Sometimes it is the smallest thing — the one thing that begins the journey — which requires the most faith. According to the Bible, this is what brings delight to the Lord.
“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” Zechariah 4:10
Is it possible that all God is asking of you right now is to do something simple, like opening a door? Although it may seem unimportant, the small thing you do today could possibly have a huge impact on you or someone else tomorrow. In my opinion, this is the beauty of small things.
Good thought for today—- open that door!
Thank you, Susan! Needed to hear this today💕