Looking out the window this morning, I am observing one of the most beautiful beach days ever. The emerald green ocean sparkles with baby whitecaps. The beauty is almost too much for my eyes. Birds are fishing. Dolphins are frolicking. The light cool breeze sings an oceanic rhythm no musician can create but would love to duplicate.
In my mind, there is no doubt who created this wonder. Stillness abounds everywhere, yet the earth proclaims the magnificence all around.
I wonder. Is this beauty present every day? If yes, how do I miss it?
While the rest of the world is busy about its business, I sit. In the quiet of the moment I sense God’s presence. I know He is near. But why must I be still to truly experience it?
Perhaps this is what God is telling me right now. I AM here. I AM present.
Perhaps this is what He is always telling me and yet in my frenzied host of activities and endless task lists, I miss it. Or rather, should I say, I miss Him.
No matter my view. No matter my circumstance.
Help me God to be still today to see You.
“Be still and know that I am God.”
My prayer today: May you (God) be exalted today among the nations. May you be exalted in the earth.” (taken from Psalm 46:10)
WOW, You have put into words STILLNESS. Thank you
How beautiful! Thank you!
I’ve always had trouble picking a “word” for the year, but this year went with “be.” To just be. To be still, to be present, to be in the moment. How appropriate it’s turned out to be. That same quiet presence you describe in your post this morning is exactly what happens when I sit quietly and just observe. Out my window is the most lush, spring green and the whitest dogwood blossoms on my tree. The Redbuds sprinkle in a little pink and I marvel at God’s creation by just being present in this moment. Just being. Thank you for the reminder Susan!
This is beautiful and such a great reminder.
This is exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you!
Beauty is certainly one way God can get our attention, if we bother to notice! Thanks for the reminder! I especially loved your sentence about musicians! Great job!
I feel with the virus that is going on that it is a time that God is asking us to Be Still and Know that he is God.
Thank you for sharing today I love your words❤️