On November 15, I launched my first book,
A Wild & Wonderful Life.
Since then, I have received countless support through emails, handwritten notes, phone calls, and words of encouragement. I’d like to share a quick story from Kameron, a friend of my son who lives in Birmingham, Alabama. The Saturday after Thanksgiving, we were all tailgating before the Auburn/Alabama game when he told me this:
From Kameron:
“On Thanksgiving, I was telling my dad that you had written a new book and I was thinking about giving a copy to my grandmother for Christmas. As we were talking, my grandmother entered the room.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked.
“My friend’s mom has a new book that I think you would enjoy.”
“What’s the name of the book?”
“A Wild and Wonderful Life.”
With that, my grandmother turned and left the room. A few minutes later she returned, with a copy of A Wild & Wonderful Life in her hand.
“How in the world did you know about the book?” I asked.
“My friend Laura wrote a blog about it and suggested to her readers that we should all get a copy, so I did.
This Laura, who Kameron’s grandmother was speaking about, is a dear friend of mine from Austin, Texas. Laura traveled to Kansas City to support me at the book launch party. As it turns out, Laura is also a dear friend of Kameron’s grandmother who lives in Birmingham, Alabama.
I love this story because it shows how word of mouth travels. From Kansas City, to Austin to Birmingham, in less than 10 days, my little book made an appearance because someone told someone else about it!
Life is wild for sure, but most definitely it is wonderful when your story includes Jesus. I pray that as you read my new book, you will experience the immeasurably more that a life with Him offers. And then, I hope you will share your Jesus story with someone else. If you do, who knows, I may just hear about it in Kansas City!
Will you help spread the word? If you’re a member of a group (church group, book club, women’s group, or any organization) I would love to share or discuss my book and my Jesus story. Please contact me and I would be glad to schedule a time.
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