It was a first. I’ve never ridden in a tow truck until recently. A flat tire on a busy highway forty-five minutes outside of Birmingham required a tow to the nearest auto repair shop.
Standing on the side of the highway as cars whizzed past me, I waited expectantly for the one vehicle that was going to help me make it home. When the tow truck driver hopped out of his truck, we yelled hellos over the highway noise. He wasted no time in loading my car and then helped me climb into the cab of his truck.
I didn’t know what to expect with this whole big-truck thing, but discovered a clutter-free, squeaky-clean cab. It was actually much cleaner than my own vehicle being towed which caused a bit of embarrassment on my part.
A tow truck ride was never on my list of activities to pursue, but it unexpectedly turned out to be a not-too-bad experience. Honestly, it was a little bit of fun to barrel down the highway in the big rig. The tow truck driver and I chatted about kids, work, and inconsiderate highway drivers. The ride was quickly over and after a drop off to a waiting auto repairman, my new best friend departed. The flat tire was quickly replaced. And in a snap, I was back on the road.
Sometimes it’s the minor, everyday things, like flat tires, that can make life the most challenging — if I let them. But lately, Jesus has been reminding me not worry so much about what I don’t have but instead to concentrate on what I do have. He says,
“The thief’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. My purpose is to give you a rich and satisfying life,” (John 10:10).
In my everyday life, satan wants me to focus on what I don’t have. When I do this, he is able to steal my joy, kill my plans, and destroy my good intentions. However, when I choose to remember what I do have — a full life with Jesus as my guide — I can find joy in something as simple as a first-time tow truck ride.
Through the flat tire experience, Jesus reminded me:
I can be grateful that a tow truck driver was willing to do his job well.
A simple smile is what a tired driver needs rather than the frenzy of a crazy, upset lady.
Jesus wants to show up in all kinds of unexpected places including tow trucks. (I shared that Jesus is his best friend when I handed the driver my children’s book to give to his five-year old son.)
The flat tire experience isn’t one I’d care to repeat. But I am thankful Jesus goes with me through the ups and downs of everyday life so I can be free to enjoy the ride.